Alexander McQueen Exhibit

Posted on Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I went to the Alexander McQueen Exhibit at the MET Museum. I was so lucky that they extended the exhibit because if they didn't I wouldn't have been able to see it. Which would have been really upsetting for me because I loved it!!! It was the coolest!!! Alexander McQueen was such an interesting, dark person. He was so creative and so different in the fashion world. I was just so inspired by him and so in aw by his work. Everything was perfect at the exhibit! I truly loved it!

RIP Alexander McQueen, you changed the world of fashion.
  1. Gorgeous post! I'm so jealous I never got to see the exhibit of my favourite designer :( Thanks for the kind comments on my blog! I'm following you now - want to follow me back? :)

    xx from Montreal,

    I Bleed Fashion

  2. Thanks for commenting on my blog & following!!! I'm following you!!!
    Gorgeous photos!!!
    My parents live in Chicago- I love shopping at Cynthia Rowley, Barneys, & Ikram when I visit plus many other shops!!! :-)
    Stop by my blog again soon!!!

  3. wow! it looks like the exhibit was amazing! The pictures are great, I wish I could've gone!

  4. funny story--my friend's dad lives in New York, so when she was visiting him she went to the exhibit. She loved it except apparently the whole thing was ruined by 2 girls who followed her around pointing and everything and saying it looked too "weird." I personally love his stuff.

  5. That's to bad the exhibit was truly amazing and very inspiring!
