What: SAIC Fashion 2015 and THE WALK
When: Friday, May 8
Where: Chase Promenade North in Millennium Park
Hello lovelies!
This year on May 8th the SAIC is having their annual fashion show called THE WALK. It is Chicago's coolest fashion show of the year. I have attended the show every year since 2011. Each year I am blown away by the student designers, the show gets better every year! I look forward to attending this event all year! I have a feeling that this year is going to be epic! I highly recommend everyone coming to this fashion show to see and support the designers! There are three different times on Friday, May 8th that you can see the show: 9 a.m. dress rehearsal, tickets are $40,12 p.m. and 3 p.m. shows are general admission seating tickets are $75, and THE WALK 5:30 p.m tickets start at $500 (For tickets to SAIC Fashion 2015 and THE WALK, visit http://saicfashion.org)
I hope to see you all there! Come support the students!
-Chloé Akari
"The next generation of daring designers will boldly define the future of fashion in a spectacular multimedia show at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s Fashion 2015. The show will be presented three times throughout the day, culminating with THE WALK—a fashion show gala benefit supporting student scholarships. This year THE WALK features THE DOLLS, a performance by renowned artist Claudia Hart, and honors Legend of Fashion Diane Pernet, a fashion writer who not only pioneered fashion blogging but is credited with spearheading the fashion film genre."