Missoni for Target!

Posted on Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hey guys! Today is September 13th and Missoni for Target came out. At 8am today all stores were SOLD OUT! Crazt right? My mom is such a great mom I asked her to go for me because, I have school:( well she drove all the way to the burbs and found a target that had some clothing there. I got a sweater, a skirt, a blouse, a scarf, socks, and gloves! I will later be posting how I will be putting it together! I am in love with most of the 400 piece line! I love when designers do a line for Target it is very smart! Anyways try to get some Missoni! GOOD LUCK!!!! -Chloé Akari
  1. Your so lucky!! I want all of the Missoni collection!!! I didn't get in the the target I went to :(


  2. lovin the tea set yall should get it

  3. this pattern is so great!!!

    totally my style

    got a new outfitpost, tell me what you think about it!!!

