
Posted on Monday, September 5, 2011

I love barbies so much!! They all have something different about each one. Barbie has transformed from Lady Gaga to a Vera Wang bride.
The original Barbie
Vera Wang bride Barbie
Lady Gaga Barbie
My friend Sophie in an ocean of Barbie's (I love this picture)
Grace Kelly Barbie
Enjoy your dollies, -Chloé Akari
  1. Fantastic blog. You really do have a great eye when it comes to art and fashion! Keep bloging!

  2. Thanks! I will keep blogging don't worry

  3. Barbies are so great love them so much! I have a collection! keep up your blog I love seeing what you post next!!

  4. Love, love, love the tribute to Barbies! I think that they really are a reflection of the fashion society--albeit in miniature. Clever choices. Great work.

  5. Thanks Nat and Miss Burbie!!
    I love them too!!
